solutions for the Gastronomy
our business is your business

Burger Nick

Burger Nick was founded to conserve our resources more sustainably and to make it simply delicious.

Eat well and save a cow!

The calculation is essential for every gastronomic business. Therefore, we undertake to relieve them of this time-consuming work so that you can dedicate your full attention to the well-being and the satisfaction of your guests and the development of your culinary creations. The calculation and documentation software calculation tool developed as a SaaS model (software as a service) was realized in collaboration with chefs and restaurateurs from each branch of gastronomy. By effective calculating the prices of your food and drinks, not only on the basis of the cost of goods, but also on the basis of all costs, you can make your company more profitable and know exactly what your costs are. Simply document the cleaning, cooking and roasting losses through the video recordings. You can also use the video clips as cooking instructions for new employees and trainees. In this way, you indicate your know-how without having to offer additional employees. With the Event Manager module, you can plan in House events, catering and delivery services with just a few mouse clicks in a few minutes. Not only food and drinks are considered, but also employees, non-food items and devices such as tables, cutlery, decorations, etc.

CALCULATION TOOL is the new generation software solution.
The special feature of CALCULATION TOOL is that rental payments for use can also be ordered via our own cryptocurrency.
Users of the software benefit not only from a percentage share of the cryptocurrency, but also from the expected increase in value.
The increase in value of the token can easily exceed the rental investment.

First the following: There is no nickname and the inventor of our recipes has a different name.

Nick came from a fusion of the words burger and organic. If you combine the two, you get Burg | anic out. But since that sounds a bit careless, we decided on Burger Nick. That’s it 🙂

But that’s not all … Since we also like to be on the road and want to take our food out into the big wide world, we brought the kitchen into a trailer and the burgers into the cities. Now everyone who wants it can order the best burger at one of our food trailers or in one of our fast-food restaurants. Whoever meets us will find that we are friendly, polite and respectful. He can rest assured that he is getting an honest and delicious meal. Always! Eat well and save a cow!

Fried for the first time in 2013, we are now a franchise.

Now that many people are more aware of their diet, that animal welfare and nature conservation play a central role in all of our lives, nobody can avoid our sustainable hemp burger anymore!

Would you like to learn more about our Burger Nick family?


The LEADS HUB software was developed to enable companies to log and invoice customers and customer orders (leads) as well as their respective status. Franchise systems such as Burger Nick use it to manage event bookings in an all-encompassing way.
Here, customers can be created, edited and managed worldwide. Each operator is free to choose the geographical boundaries they wish to use.
Orders and customers can be assigned extensive properties. The complete address, all contact data, multiple e-mail addresses and telephone numbers are just as much a part of this as the opening hours, rest and holiday times and other customer- or order-specific characteristics.
In addition to the master data, LEADS HUB documents all changes to a lead, such as the creation of the lead, change of status, change of clerk or addition of a note. This documentation is stored in a history that cannot be changed.
The extensive search function allows employees to find the desired customer or job quickly and reliably. The search results can be sorted and filtered as desired.
Staff structures can be established through hierarchies. Currently, the following roles are implemented: Sales Manager, Salesperson, Tipper
Hierarchies serve as a tool to be able to carry out commission payments, premium payments and settlements correctly on a monthly basis. Additional roles can be created and integrated at any time.

Get In touch

85 Great Portland Street
United Kingdom
